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How do you freshen your brand? Subaru Dog Commercials Tell the Tail.


Here’s a pet peeve many have with television commercials and marketing in general. Often when aiming to be creative, marketers overwork an idea to the point where consumers want to throw a missile at the screen every time the spot airs.

How many times can you watch the Dominos commercial, where the tree falls on the guy’s car and then he slips on the ice, ruining his pizza? Funny the first time, but with media now running commercials back to back, it gets tired fast. Or how about that “1-800 Cars-for-Kids” jingle? A good cause to be sure, but also a maddening earworm. With that song repeating in your head, you end up hating the commercial and even the kids.

How to revive the familiar

Subaru has a reputation for great branding. Why? No matter how many campaigns they’ve launched, they manage to keep it fresh.

Case in point is their famous line, Love; it’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru. This started in 2008 with a daddy and daughter who morphs from a 4 year old to a teenager embarking on her first driving experience. It was a moment we all recognize and remember with fondness. Subaru gave it their own special touch and made it iconic. This was followed by other family moments, a boy growing up alongside his dog and a daughter going off to college.

A classic …

But here’s where the brilliance comes in. Before these vignettes wore out their welcome, Subaru changed it up.  They managed to maintain the family vibe, but in a surprising, witty and endearing new way.

Instead of dad and daughter, the family driving lesson involve a bunch of canines. In one spot, they’re going through the car wash. In another, the golden retriever family communicates with Siri, the driving instructor. And in yet another, a cat steals their parking space at the mall. Facial expressions and doggy vocalizations are priceless. Check it out.

Both campaigns, “Love; it’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru”, followed by “Dog Tested, Dog Approved” have been winners for the brand. As noted in Ad Age, for example, while automotive sales in 2017 declined in the U.S. overall by 2.9%, sales for Subaru increased by 8.7%.

Of course, there is sound thinking behind the brand’s creativity. Subuaru lovers are also dog lovers. In fact, 67% of their customer base have pets.

What did they get right? There isn’t a single moment in any Subaru commercial that rings false. The intimate moments are an exact reflection of things that happen in everyday life. These vignettes touch the heart strings without ever appearing to try too hard.

Giving a brand a fresh take

Whether it’s going from humans to dogs, or running multiple campaigns simultaneously (think Geico), there are creative ways to stay true to your positioning while keeping it fresh. And this translates across all channels.

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